Two forces have conspired to get me to write this post. First is a discussion that came up at my Supper Club (a group of female stationery business owners in Brooklyn, that I organize monthly to get together and share ideas and supper). The topic was about working from home and do you work in your pj's or get dressed for the day. The group was split, but my girl
Courtney (whom is super successful) said she dressed for the day. She initially gave reasons of her assistant was coming to her apartment daily and she was answering the door to the delivery guy. But she also stated the reason of taking the work day seriously and getting dressed put her in that
work day mentality. The other source of inspiration was from the blog of Jess Lively, whom is all about living a life With Intention. I love to read her blog, and found this video about when to spend a little more on clothes if it means promoting your brand. I LOVE this idea. All about the right style, quality, and color to translate your brands aesthetic and intentions. Watch Jess' viedo
here and Admire my wise friends beautiful work
Photo by Papersheep